Recipe: Homemade Potato Gnocchi
Let’s make some gnocchi, y’all!
Gnocchi is my favorite vessel for heartier and richer sauces because of its characteristically plump shape, pillowy texture, and delicate flavor. Best of all? You don’t need a fancy machine/contraption to make this unique potato-based pasta at home!
Looking for a fun - albeit messy - quarantine activity to do with the kiddos? Get the whole family involved in making my easy, no-nonsense homemade potato gnocchi!
If you’re pressed for time, spread the cooking process out over two days: bake, peel, and mash the potatoes the day prior to when you plan to cook and eat the gnocchi! Doing so will shave off about 1.5 hours from the prep and cooking day-of!
Don’t want to cook all of your raw gnocchi? Freeze them! Put the unused portion on a plate (make sure they’re not touching each other) and place in the freezer for an hour. Once frozen, transfer them from the plate to a freezer bag. Secure and return to freezer to enjoy at a later time! Boil as directed.
Supplies/utensils needed for this recipe:
Potato ricer (if you don’t have one, you can mash by hand)
Mixing bowl
Knife/bench knife
Cookie sheet
Parchment paper (or wax paper or foil)
Medium-large sized pot filled with water for boiling
Slotted spoon
Makes approximately 4 servings (though you could stretch it to 5 or 6 if you’re serving other items alongside)
2 large Russet potatoes, quartered (you will need 10 ounces of cooked/baked potatoes for the recipe)
EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
3/4 cup AP flour (all-purpose), plus extra for your work stations
1/3 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
1 egg, beaten
Large pinch of salt
Pasta sauce of your choice, though I’d highly recommend a fresh pesto or light tomato sauce during the warmer months and my delicious and hearty Bolognese in the fall/winter.
Heat oven to 450 degrees F
Clean the potatoes and cut in to quarters (this speeds along the cooking process)
Lightly rub the quarters with olive oil to prevent sticking to the foil
Wrap each quarter in foil and bake in the oven for 1-hour
Remove from oven and unwrap foil from the potatoes. Allow to cool for about 20-minutes prior to handling.
Peel the potatoes and either put through a ricer, or mash by hand, leaving no random chunks.
Put the potatoes in to a mixing bowl and cover; refrigerate for an hour to cool.
Remove potatoes from the fridge and add the flour, grated cheese, beaten egg, and salt.
Knead the dough by hand for about 1 minute, until its uniform and soft/smooth. Don’t over-mix!
Set bowl aside and get your work stations organized:
Clean off a 2’x2’ work space/kitchen counter and liberally dust it with AP flour.
Grab a fork and keep it near by!
Near the stove, set out a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper (wax paper or foil is fine, too) and dusted with AP flour
Bring a large pot of water to a boil
Wash your hands and move the dough to your well-floured work space (noted above).
Divide the dough in to four even pieces.
Using the palms of both hands, roll each piece of dough in to long ropes, about 3/4” in diameter.
Cut each rope in to small, 3/4” squares and arrange on the flour-dusted, lined cookie sheet, making sure the gnocchi don’t touch.
Sprinkle the gnocchi with a light dusting of flour.
When water is boiling, gently add the gnocchi to the pot.
When they rise to the top of the water, 2-3 minutes, they are done!
Remove from water with a slotted spoon.
Gently toss with your sauce of choice, or serve sauce on the side for diners to individually dress.
Serve immediately!
Until we eat again,
The Lunch Belle